
Event Detail

Contribute to the world with our expertise

The instructors lead by example and walked to the front line by using our profession to contribute to the world, and influencing more people with the spirit of the INs. The instructors led the volunteers to Nepal to learn about the needs of the local youths in person and prepare them the most appropriate courses.

In the past, this group of teenagers, just like their parents, put all their focus on their academic achievements, shouldered expectations and pressures, faced the struggles during adolescent period and the pressure among peers, by only suppressing everything.

Through the two-day course, youngsters look at their current situation from different angles, once again find out their own strength from responsibility and choice, find out the courage to take risks for their own life, and are willing to believe and express their inner love.

It would be glad to have this opportunity to use our profession to serve more people.

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